at the {Heart} of it

1. Brian and I are hosting our second annual St. Patrick’s Day Party tomorrow! I am so excited to be outside celebrating the holiday that I most strongly equate with the beginning of Spring. Hello 70 degree weather in Dallas!

2. I am officially re-doing our guest room and turning it in to my office space! Ahh! I am so, so excited for this DIY project and can’t wait to see the finished result. Look for before and after pictures next week. I am pinning all sorts of inspiration to my Pinterest board, and am welcoming any and all advice and tips on how to transform a space (primarily if these tips involve the best ways to sand/prime/paint furniture). Help, please!

3. All this uproar in the blogoshere about the end of Google Reader does not phase me at all. I’ve been a Bloglovin fan since I began this blog, and you should hop on the bandwagon! It’s a great way to have all your favorites in one space, and to be able to organize all the different types of blogs you follow. While you are at it, follow me!

4. Happy Birthday to one of my absolute favorite people! Lindsey is one of those friends that is genuine, kind, easy to talk to, and SO much fun! I became fast friends with her, and now count her as one of my very best (albeit) long distance friends. I hope you have the best day celebrating with Kris & crew, Linds! Lots of love!

5. Blog love of the week: Shutterbean! I love the vivid pictures with fantastic lighting, the utterly delicious recipes and the “I love Lists Friday” series. Because, let’s be honest, don’t we all love lists, deep down inside? No? Well, we certainly all love waffles (with bacon!!) and sweet potato fries, so this blog is a win.

6. I’ve also learned about this resource this week, and I am loving the wealth of information provided on the site. Need an example? This article is straight forward and useful…especially considering the musings I’ve been having lately regarding my blog/blogging.

7. That said, I have some exciting changes coming to my blog in the near future, so stay tuned!

8. Cheers to Weekending, xoxo

images: {via,via}

Tastes & Travel {Stampede 66}

Pass the fork, I am ready to eat.

Welcome to Stampede 66, Stephan Pyles’ newest gift to the Dallas community. This restaurant is equal parts eatery and experience, with both living up to your senses’ expectations. Want some bread to begin your meal? Not a problem. Stampede 66 offers Shiner Bock bread that comes in the can, before the top is popped and the bread falls out the bottom. Um. Cool. Want to wash down your bread with a margarita? Not a problem, Stampede 66 makes their margaritas table side with dry ice, so you not only get a refreshment, but a show to go with it. Nice.

With it’s utterly Texas flair, and charming Texas quotes that play along the walls in a rotating fashion, each patron is bound to leave not only full but fully immersed in a truly Texan way of life. Next time you find yourself looking for some down-home Texas food, with a Dallas spin, check this place out. It will not disappoint.

images: {via, via, via}

A Delicate Statement

I love bright colors, bold cuts, and unique lines when it comes to the clothing I wear; but for jewelry, I believe the best statement is an understatement. I love all pieces delicate and feminine. This penchant for the minimalist look began on our honeymoon, when Brian bought me a beautifully simple cross necklace (similar here) to remember our honeymoon by. Not a week goes by that I do not wear that necklace now, I just love it. That is why, upon finding the lines of Ariel Gordon and Maya Brenner I became an instant fan. I love the whimsical Menagerie line Ariel Gordon offers; and the Monogrammed pieces from Maya Brenner’s collection. These pieces can be worn on both casual and formal occasions, offering a subtle twist to the traditional monogram, or a creative ode to a fanciful nickname (Brian always calls me Teddy…). However, these pieces are a bit of a splurge, so I have found boutiques like Stella and Dot and BaubleBar offering affordable versions of the style I have come to love.

What is your go-to statement look for jewelry?

images: {via, via, via}

Gone Girl {a book review}

Taking place in America’s Heartland, nestled in a quiet town along the Mississippi River, Gone Girl is anything but ordinary. This book vividly depicts a broken marriage spiraling out of control in the midst of a murder investigation. It is a captivating page-turner, with an ingenious way of presenting the story from two different perspectives. And while the reader may assume they have solved the mystery within the first one hundred pages; they will think again when they continue reading. Plot twists and unexpected discoveries along the way keep the reader engaged and guessing until the very last page. Gillian Flynn does not miss a beat in detailing this modern-day thriller with its utterly damaged yet disturbingly realistic protagonists, and I would definitely recommend this read.

My Little Dog

My little dog–a heartbeat at my feet.

–Edith Wharton

The Weekend {In Pictures}

at the Heart of it

1. I am such a summer-y girl; there is really nothing I love more than being barefoot on the beach. While I do enjoy skiing, I would take warm days, sunglasses and flip-flops, over cold and cloudy days anytime. Summer, please hurry up?!

2. With the help and creative skills of my friend Alessandra, I revamped my blog this week! I am loving the new look, the original title, and the fresh start. What do you think?!

3. I also may or may not have cried watching (for the first time) The Biggest Loser, while running at the gym on Monday night. Yes, that is right. On the treadmill. Actual tears. #inspired

4. Last night, Brian and I ate here, courtesy of my sweet sister’s Christmas present to us. I seriously loved the atmosphere, the food, and the very-Texas charm. Thank you so much, Abbie!!  P.S. Brian, can you be home every week?!

5. And speaking of food, this is going to be quite the foodie weekend for us. Tonight, Brian is cashing in on a friendly bet he won, and we will be dining here. Tomorrow, I think this treat is on the menu, and I am hoping to cook up something delicious on Sunday. Yum!

6. Blog crush of the week: here we go! I love the wealth of information shopping ideas provided on this site, and am already excited to use it as a resource for gift ideas! Let’s also talk about how obsessed I am with her “Home Tour”. L O V E.

7. We found out this week that we have been placed in a Foundation Group (for young married couples) at Watermark! I am thrilled to begin getting to know other people in our stage of life, and to really grow closer as a couple. Blessed & pumped.

8. Congratulations to Brian and Jared on their company’s first investment! I am so proud of my very entrepreneurial husband, and look forward to all of the great things to come with this new venture!

9. Happy Weekending, cheers to Friday! xo

images: {via, via, via}

Thoughts on Blogging

I began blogging in 2008 as a way to document my time and travel abroad while living and studying in Madrid, Spain. After returning to the good ol’ USA and diving in to my senior year at SMU, I quickly became much more enthused with the world around me (and one certain guy…) than keeping up with cyberspace. That all changed with an abrupt move to Cleveland, Ohio after graduation where I knew no one and struggled finding a job—back to blogging I went. And I have been blogging first here, then here, and finally here ever since. I have loved this outlet and the way it acts as a record for all of the adventures, life changes, and little moments I have experienced throughout the last three years. It’s a scrapbook; a little bit of me.

But it is also a struggle. I am constantly re-evaluating why I blog. Why do I put my life on display not really knowing who is reading about it, on any given day? Why do I share incredibly meaningful and introspective thoughts on one post, and turn around and share my favorite fashion trend or recipe on the next? The truth is, I do not have an answer. I simply blog because I love to write. I process life best by writing it down, expressing my thoughts and emotions through words on a page (if you are wondering: why yes, I am that girl who has had a diary—ahem, journal—throughout her life).  I blog because I love looking back at old posts and seeing everything from God’s goodness and provision (getting me through a difficult time), to seeing my confidence in the kitchen grow as I challenge myself with new recipes. I suppose that, like my real life, my blog is multi-dimensional. I have lighthearted interests, but I also have deep and fundamental beliefs. I have a 9-5 Corporate America career, but I am also so captivated by adventure, new challenges and bucking routine. Bottom line: I love this outlet, I love the blog community, and I love the creativity that is cultivated through blogging.

So, thank you for stopping by. Thank you for reading about my life, and “listening” to my tangents every now and again. This blog, like myself, is fanciful yet fervent; reflective and also blithe. This blog is just me.

Tastes & Travel {Beaver Creek Resort}

This year, Brian and I “discovered” Beaver Creek Ski Resort. While this is arguably one of the best places to ski in Colorado, it was brand new to us as of a month ago. However, it has already topped our list of favorite places to ski–surpassing both Vail and Breckenridge, the other resorts we frequent. But what makes Beaver so great? Well for starters, look at that view! Beaver Creek is tucked in to the mountains allowing for a panoramic view that is nothing short of spectacular. It literally takes your breath away. Also, for someone like me (read: a beginner/intermediate skier desperately trying to improve), the steep grade of most runs at Beaver allows for a distinct challenge and limited options for taking the “easy way out”. In two days at Beaver Creek this season, I feel as though I have improved significantly more than two seasons at Breckenridge. Thirdly, because it is further West on I-70 than several other resorts, Beaver Creek tends to stay less busy, and the lift lines are noticeably shorter.

For a resort who’s self-proclaimed motto is “Not Exactly Roughing It“, this ski town is all that it is chalked up to be and more. We are looking forward to spending more days on the slopes here next season, as well as spending some time exploring the {luxurious} village. So long, ski season–and Beaver Creek–until next year!

photo cred: {,}

Farewell, Winter

There is something so invigorating about the change of seasons, and well, for me, change in general. I love switching it up, rejecting routine, and taking on the unknown ahead of me. And when it comes to a new season, I just love changing up my wardrobe. There is nothing better than a freshly organized and revived closet (ok, ok, there are actually a lot of better things, however for the sake of this post…). But before I delve in to Spring trends, bright patterns, and fun sandals, I would like to take the time to say a fashion farewell to Winter, and the trends we will not see again for ten months (I do live in the South, after all).

One // Two // Three

For me, Winter fashion consists of basics, worn over and over again. There is rarely a day you will not see me wearing boots during the colder months–often those with 3-4″ heels (I am so practical, after all). I also frequently sport outerwear (like the jacket above) that is fashionable enough to be considered a top in of itself–because even in Texas, I get too cold to shed the jacket I am wearing. Lastly, I am all about winter accessories, like an infinity scarf which serves both a fashionable and practical purpose, and undoubtedly adds dimension and a pop of color to any look.

Though I am excited to be storing my boots, and tucking away my coats and scarves, I will miss Winter with all its cozy charm, and come December, I will look forward to layering up with some of my favorite looks once again.

Onward to Spring!

photo cred: {,}